Monday, April 16, 2007

Question of the Day

What do you do about a two-headed snow space alien?

Monday, April 09, 2007

An Old Photographer’s Joke

“Hey, how was your trip?”

“I don’t know, I haven’t got my pictures back from the lab!”

I’ve been back from Death Valley National Park for several weeks now, but am only beginning to look at my photographs. Yes, 90% of what I shot was digital. But I shot 11 Giggle bytes of digital. I have been implementing my DAM system, so that these new photos will be calalogable and findable. If you don’t know DAM, I suggest visiting the web site:


There was a time, a short time, where it seemed digital was making the photographer’s life easier. I think that’s over. So many photos coming in. Same few prints going out. And, we have to make them perfect now, because we can.

Anyway, here is my first Death Valley photograph. I like this one, and hope it goes places.