Wednesday, April 15, 2009

Another Juried Show??

Okay, here I am wondering. Wondering whether it makes since to fill out an application for another juried art show, or just go buy $25 in lottery tickets? If I get in, I’ll have to pay to ship my work down there and back. Have a small change at prize money. And, whopee, I’ll get to list the show on my resume. But I already have a lot of juried shows under my belt seem to make a difference. Unless I am applying for something that requires I submit a resume, and that is very rare, indeed.

One of the reasons I submit work to art shows is to give myself incentive to get something framed. Hey, if it gets in, I got to frame it, and that is my least favorite part of this job. And, hey someone likes the photo or painting to let it in, so that is an ego booster. But, most of all, I get the feeling I’m on the right track with my art.

But. . .what if I bought the lottery ticket with the million dollar prize?