Monday, December 08, 2008

My 2009 Mask for MOCA

Where Were You in ’72?

I recently found an old photo of mine that spurred memories of 1972. That year I was playing around with high contrast photography, attending film festivals at the Lory Student Center, and studying a lot. My mask this year is a remembrance of one of those photographs. I bet this scene looks different now, 37 years later. I hope to remember to check it out the next time I’m on campus.

Monday, December 01, 2008

River of January

It’s cold, we’re in shadow, and the sun will be going down all to soon. Why am I walking along this river? Well, here it is December, and we got to look forward to winter, don’t you know. Winter is beautiful, as long as we have some snow. I’ve always been fascinated with the big old cracks of running water in an icy river. And, mid winter is a time to enjoy those long shadows.

I’m already from the multi-brown shades of the Front Range of the late fall. Let’s have a lot of snow, and a warm spring!

This painting is oil on canvas, and is 14” by 18” without the frame.