Wednesday, January 28, 2009

Seascapes on the way

One of the real benefits of working in several media, I think, is when you have an image that does not work well in one media, you can use it as a reference for another. This photo I took last month in the lagoon off of Morea. It’s a pretty cruddy photograph. High speed film (my new digital camera had already flooded) in a cheep disposable camera. But I like the colors and I like the composition. I think it’ll make a nice pastel. I better get painting!

Monday, January 19, 2009

The Undersea World of Steve part 1

This is a slide show from a snorkeling trip with my wife Debbie last month. Yes, I am playing with technology!

Monday, January 05, 2009

Can I dance my way into the AANC National Show?

It’s that time of the year again. Got to fill out those juried show applications. One of the biggest and best such shows in my area is the Artist’s Association of Northern Colorado National Show. And, It’s a hard show to get it, I usually only get in once every three years. This year’s juror does like realism. But I don’t like to paint realism. Heck, if I want a photo, I’ll do a photo!! So I hope this lady can dance her way into the show, along with River of January, and another random selection.