Monday, August 25, 2008

Time to print

I think I take to many photos. It’s taken a year to get last summer’s photos ready to print. There all these new data management issues resulting from gigabits of data, extra exposures for panoramas, HDRs, and good ol’ BLH (bracket like hell).

Well, printing that is, after I get the framing dine for Unbridled Beauty, which I mentioned in my last entry. And, framing takes me a lot of time. I think 90% of the time spent is brooding about it. Can’t make a mistake framing, it’ll show for ever.

Anyway, once I start printing, I’ll be working on two projects: The Wood, and Great Western Panoramas. This photo, a panorama, is of the woods in Yosemite National Park.

Monday, August 18, 2008

Horse Art

The Unbridled Beauty show will be coming to the Poudre River Art Center next month, opening September 5. I am working on my pieces for the show. Once I get this photo printed (hopefully today), I’ll be down to getting my 3 entries framed.

Work, work, work! Well, framing is work. But, I best not get on a diatribe about the problems of plexiglass today!

Monday, August 11, 2008

Morning at the Feed Store

I guess I chose this painting to show today because I normally get up with the sun—and today I didn’t. Morning is the best part of the day.

Monday, August 04, 2008

Point Reyes

August is here, and this summer’s photographic adventures are almost over. I need to get printing my images from 2007, such as this one from the Point Reyes National Seashore.

With all the time required for camera and computer maintenance, filing and archiving files, doing the digital workflow right, calibrating the printer, and so on, I am starting to think painting is a significantly quicker way to create an image.